Extending Validator

Extending Particle\Validator leads to some boilerplate code, because of the fact that the rules actually exist as methods on a "Chain" object, because we want IDE-supported code-completion. So, in order to write your own rules, you'll need to overwrite two classes: the Validator itself, and the Chain.

Overwriting the Validator itself is quite simple:

use Particle\Validator\Validator;

class MyValidator extends Validator
     * {@inheritdoc}
     * @return MyChain
    public function required($key, $name, $allowEmpty = false)
        return parent::required($key, $name, $allowEmpty);

     * {@inheritdoc}
     * @return MyChain
    public function optional($key, $name, $allowEmpty = false)
        return parent::optional($key, $name, $allowEmpty);

     * {@inheritdoc}
     * @return MyChain
    public function buildChain($key, $name, $required, $allowEmpty)
        return new MyChain($key, $name, $required, $allowEmpty);

As you can see, it returns a different implementation of the Chain object, and that's where you can add the the rules to the Chain. Luckily, also overwriting the chain object itself is rather simple:

use Particle\Validator\Chain;

class MyChain extends Chain
     * @return $this
    public function grumpy($who = 'Grumpy Smurf')
        return $this->addRule(new GrumpyRule($who));

So we've exposed a new public method to the chain: grumpy. However, that rule doesn't exist in the default validator, so we have to build it:

use Particle\Validator\Rule;

class GrumpyRule extends Rule
    const WRONG = 'GrumpyRule::WRONG';

    protected $messages = [
        self::WRONG => '{{ who }} hates the value of "{{ name }}"',

    protected $who;

    public function __construct($who)
        $this->who = $who;

    public function validate($value)
        if ($value !== null || $value === null) { // always true, so always grumpy!
            return $this->error(self::WRONG);
        return true;

    // these variables can be used in error messages.
    protected function getMessageParameters()
        return array_merge(parent::getMessageParameters, [
            'who' => $this->who,

All that's left is actually using your own validator:

$v = new MyValidator;
$v->required('foo')->grumpy('Silly sally');
$v->validate(['foo' => true]);

// output: 'Silly Sally hates the value of "foo"'
echo $v->getMessages()['foo'][Grumpy::WRONG]; 

That's that: you can now go wild on adding rules. If you think a rule should be added to the main Particle\Validator repository, please create a pull request (or an issue).