Included validation-rules
Particle\Validator tries to provide you the most common validations. An overview is listed below. If you want to add custom validators, take a look at the callback validation-rule, or check out "Extending the Validator" in the menu.
- allowEmpty(callable $callback)
- alnum($allowWhitespace = false)
- alpha($allowWhitespace = false)
- between($min, $max)
- bool()
- callback(callable $callable)
- creditCard()
- datetime($format = null)
- digits()
- each(callable $callable)
- email()
- equals($value)
- float()
- greaterThan($value)
- hash($hashAlgorithm, $allowUppercase = false)
- inArray(array $array, $strict = true)
- integer($strict = false)
- isArray()
- json()
- length($length)
- lengthBetween($min, $max)
- lessThan($value)
- numeric()
- phone($countryCode)
- regex($regex)
- required(callable $callback)
- string()
- url($schemes = [])
- uuid($version = Uuid::VALID_FORMAT)
Set a callable which may be used to alter the allow empty requirement on validation time. This may be incredibly helpful when doing conditional validation.
$v = new Validator;
$v->required('name')->allowEmpty(function (array $values) {
return $values['namePresent'] === true;
$v->validate(['namePresent' => true, 'name' => 'John'])->isValid(); // true
$v->validate(['namePresent' => true])->isValid(); // true
$v->validate(['namePresent' => false])->isValid(); // false
Validate that the value consists only of alphanumeric characters (a-z, A-Z, 0-9).
$v = new Validator;
$v->validate(['name' => 'Jonh01'])->isValid(); // true
$v->validate(['name' => 'Jonh!'])->isValid(); // false
It's also possible to allow spaces in the string:
$v = new Validator;
$v->validate(['name' => 'Jonh number 1'])->isValid(); // true
$v->validate(['name' => 'Jonh #1'])->isValid(); // false
Validate that the value consists only of alphabetic characters (a-z, A-Z).
$v = new Validator;
$v->validate(['name' => 'Jonh'])->isValid(); // true
$v->validate(['name' => 'Jonh1'])->isValid(); // false
It's also possible to allow spaces in the string:
$v = new Validator;
$v->validate(['name' => 'Jonh is the best'])->isValid(); // true
$v->validate(['name' => 'Jonh number 1'])->isValid(); // false
Validate that the value is between $min
and $max
$v = new Validator;
$v->required('age')->between(16, 70);
$v->validate(['age' => 16])->isValid(); // true
$v->validate(['age' => 70])->isValid(); // true
$v->validate(['age' => 71])->isValid(); // false
Validate that the value is a boolean value.
$v = new Validator;
$v->validate(['newsletter' => true])->isValid(); // true
$v->validate(['newsletter' => 'true'])->isValid(); // false
Validate by executing a callback function, and returning its result.
If you want to add more than one callback validator, you might want to have different error messages as well. This is supported by throwing an Exception of type "InvalidValueException". Small example:
$v = new Validator;
$v->required('userId')->callback(function ($value) {
if (!getUserFromDb($value)) { // non Particle\Validator function
throw new Particle\Validator\Exception\InvalidValueException(
'Unable to find the user with id ' . $value,
return true;
Validates that the value is a valid credit card number checking for popular brand formats and using Luhn algorithm for validating the checksum.
Note: If you want to use this rule, you must install the
package. Runcomposer require byrokrat/checkdigit
$v = new Validator;
$v->validate(['card' => '4532815084485002'])->isValid(); // true
$v->validate(['card' => '123412341234aaaa'])->isValid(); // false
Validates that the value is a date.
$v = new Validator;
$v->validate(['datetime' => '2015-03-29 16:11:09'])->isValid(); // true
$v->validate(['datetime' => '08:00'])->isValid(); // true
$v->validate(['datetime' => 'pizza'])->isValid(); // false
If format is passed, it must be in that format.
$v = new Validator;
$v->required('datetime')->datetime('Y-m-d H:i:s');
$v->validate(['datetime' => '2015-03-29 16:11:09'])->isValid(); // true
$v->validate(['datetime' => '2015-03-29 16:11'])->isValid(); // false
Validates that all characters of the value are decimal digits.
$v = new Validator;
$v->validate(['amount' => '1234567890'])->isValid(); // true
$v->validate(['amount' => '133.7'])->isValid(); // false
The each rule applies rules to a repeated, nested array. Check out the using nested arrays page for more information on this rule.
$v = new Validator;
$v->required('lines')->each(function (Validator $lineValidator) {
'lines' => [
['price' => 5.50],
['price' => 2.55],
])->isValid(); // true
Validates that the value is a valid email address (format only).
$v = new Validator;
$v->validate(['email' => ''])->isValid(); // true
$v->validate(['email' => 'john@test.'])->isValid(); // false
$v->validate(['email' => ''])->isValid(); // false
Validates that the value is equal to $value
$v = new Validator;
$v->validate(['value' => 500])->isValid(); // true
$v->validate(['value' => 499])->isValid(); // false
$v->validate(['value' => '500'])->isValid(); // false
Validates that the value represents a float
$v = new Validator;
$v->validate(['x' => 0.5])->isValid(); // true
$v->validate(['x' => 0])->isValid(); // false
Validates that the value is greater than $value.
$v = new Validator;
$v->validate(['value' => 9001])->isValid(); // true
$v->validate(['value' => 9000])->isValid(); // false
Validates that the value is a valid cryptographic hash according to the chosen hashing algorithm. The second parameter may allow uppercase characters in the hashes. Supported algorithms include:
$v = new Validator;
$v->validate(['key' => md5('key')])->isValid(); // true
$v->validate(['key' => 'a8jf0a4'])->isValid(); // false
If you want to allow uppercase characters, you need to set $allowUppercase
to true
$v = new Validator;
$v->required('key')->hash(Rule\Hash::ALGO_MD5, Rule\Hash::ALLOW_UPPERCASE);
$v->validate(['key' => strtoupper(md5('key'))])->isValid(); // true
$v->validate(['key' => 'A8Jf0A4'])->isValid(); // false
Validates that the value is in the array with optional "loose" checking.
$v = new Validator;
$v->required('type')->inArray([1, 2, 3]);
$v->validate(['type' => 2])->isValid(); // true
$v->validate(['type' => '2'])->isValid(); // false
You can make the in array check looser bij setting strict to false:
$v = new Validator;
$v->required('type')->inArray([1, 2, 3], Rule\InArray::NOT_STRICT);
$v->validate(['type' => 2])->isValid(); // true
$v->validate(['type' => '2'])->isValid(); // true
$v->validate(['type' => 4])->isValid(); // false
Validates that the value represents a valid integer.
$v = new Validator;
$v->validate(['x' => 3])->isValid(); // true
$v->validate(['x' => '3'])->isValid(); // true
$v->validate(['x' => 3.5])->isValid(); // false
You can also do a strict check on integer:
$v = new Validator;
$v->validate(['x' => -3])->isValid(); // true
$v->validate(['x' => '-3'])->isValid(); // false
Validates that the value is an array.
$v = new Validator;
$v->validate(['data' => []])->isValid(); // true
$v->validate(['data' => 'array'])->isValid(); // false
Validates that the value is a valid JSON string.
$v = new Validator;
$v->validate(['data' => '{"name": "John"}'])->isValid(); // true
$v->validate(['data' => '{"name: "John"}'])->isValid(); // false
Validates that the value is precisely of length $length
$v = new Validator;
$v->validate(['code' => '1234'])->isValid(); // true
$v->validate(['code' => '123'])->isValid(); // false
Validates that the length of the value is between $min
and $max
$v = new Validator;
$v->required('code')->lengthBetween(4, 6);
$v->validate(['code' => '123456'])->isValid(); // true
$v->validate(['code' => '1234567'])->isValid(); // false
If $max is null
, it has no upper limit.
$v = new Validator;
$v->required('password')->lengthBetween(8, null);
$v->validate(['password' => 'ThisIsALongAndProperP4ssW0rdWithNoMaxLength'])->isValid(); // true
$v->validate(['password' => '1234567'])->isValid(); // false
Validates that the value is less than $value
$v = new Validator;
$v->validate(['value' => 8999])->isValid(); // true
$v->validate(['value' => 9000])->isValid(); // false
Validates that the value is numeric (so either a float
, or an integer
$v = new Validator;
$v->validate(['value' => 5])->isValid(); // true
$v->validate(['value' => 5.5])->isValid(); // true
$v->validate(['value' => '5'])->isValid(); // true
$v->validate(['value' => 'a'])->isValid(); // false
Validates that the value is a valid phone number for $countryCode
. Uses a library based on Google's libphonenumber
Note: If you want to use this rule, you must install the
package. Runcomposer require giggsey/libphonenumber-for-php
$v = new Validator;
$v->validate(['phone' => '11-3675-3801'])->isValid(); // true
$v->validate(['phone' => '3675381'])->isValid(); // false
$v = new Validator;
$v->validate(['phone' => '(305) 634-5000'])->isValid(); // true
$v->validate(['phone' => '3-6733-3062'])->isValid(); // false
Validates that the value matches the regular expression $regex
$v = new Validator;
$v->validate(['name' => 'John'])->isValid(); // true
$v->validate(['name' => 'Jane'])->isValid(); // false
Set a callable which may be used to alter the required requirement on validation time. This may be incredibly helpful when doing conditional validation.
$v = new Validator;
$v->optional('name')->required(function (array $values) {
return $values['forceName'] === true;
$v->validate(['forceName' => true, 'name' => 'John'])->isValid(); // true
$v->validate(['forceName' => true])->isValid(); // false
$v->validate(['forceName' => false])->isValid(); // true
Validates that the value represents a string
$v = new Validator;
$v->validate(['name' => 'John'])->isValid(); // true
$v->validate(['name' => 123])->isValid(); // false
Validates that the value is a valid URL.
$v = new Validator;
$v->validate(['link' => ''])->isValid(); // true
$v->validate(['link' => 'http://validator.particle-php'])->isValid(); // false
If the schemes array is passed, the URL must be in one of those schemes.
$v = new Validator;
$v->required('link')->url(['ftp://', 'ftps://']);
$v->validate(['link' => ''])->isValid(); // true
$v->validate(['link' => ''])->isValid(); // false
Validates if the value is a valid UUID and of the given version. The version constant may be combined with other constants to allow multiple versions or the NIL UUID (all zeroes).
use Particle\Validator\Rule\Uuid;
$v = new Validator;
// Requires a UUID V4
$v->validate(['uuid' => '44c0ffee-988a-49dc-8bad-a55c0de2d1e4'])->isValid(); // true
$v->validate(['uuid' => '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'])->isValid(); // false
// Requires a UUID V4 or NIL UUID
$v->required('userId')->uuid(Uuid::UUID_V4 | Uuid::UUID_NIL);
$v->validate(['uuid' => '44c0ffee-988a-49dc-8bad-a55c0de2d1e4'])->isValid(); // true
$v->validate(['uuid' => '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'])->isValid(); // true